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文、圖 / 占有兵





























Early in the morning, the alarm clock shattered the dream, and began to wear clothes, wash setes, defecate dimly, take factory certificates, go to the canteen, rush to work on the way. Work means no unemployment and synchronization with the production line.
Whether it's the collective canteen or the stall around the factory, two yuan or less is enough for breakfast. While walking, eating, forcing food into the stomach, the meteor strides to the factory. Before the bell rings, you must punch in, change your overalls and shoes, and appear in the morning queue.
After work, it's like getting out of the production line. I wish I could fly out of the factory and go anywhere I want to go. Everyone wants to rush out quickly, and the moment they leave work becomes a difficult one. When the production line stopped, everyone swarmed out of the workshop, rushed to the shoe cabinet area, took off their work clothes, took their shoes and went straight to the punch. If a stream merges into a river, the empty doorway a minute ago is already a human ocean. Several gates, like small valves, open slowly to evacuate the crowd.
Out of the gate, or three or five groups, or a person rushed to the canteen, back to the rental house, the day is over. The energy brought to work has been transformed into fatigue, clean clothes have been soaked in sweat, belly protests have been made, there may still be criticism of the remaining anger in the head, the mood is naturally no better.
Go to work, run to the assembly line; after work, where to go, only you know.
All the pictures were taken from 2008 to 2013 in Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province.

- 報料熱線: 021-962866
- 報料郵箱: news@thepaper.cn
? 2014-2025 上海東方報業有限公司