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在6月7日舉辦的畢業(yè)典禮上,他與畢業(yè)生們分享了這一系列跌宕起伏的人生經(jīng)歷留給他最寶貴的成功秘訣—— “生命以獲取而續(xù)存,卻因給予而繁盛”。
以下是演講中文翻譯:尊敬的校監(jiān) Romanow 先生、校長 Stoicheff 先生、政府代表、出席嘉賓、教師代表、畢業(yè)生、朋友、女士們、先生們:
我的新學(xué)位使我成為了 2017 年畢業(yè)生中光榮的一員。在這個美好的日子里,請允許我向各位同學(xué)們,以及你們的家人、朋友們獻上一句簡單的祝福,我要向你們了不起的成就表示熱烈祝賀!
30 年前的 1987 年,我和我妻子和我決定走出國門,看看外邊的世界。如果你在北京的地下室住過,渴望換一種風(fēng)景,沒有什么比加拿大遼闊的草原風(fēng)光,會給你帶來更震撼的體驗(笑聲)。我妻子申請了這里的音樂系,立即得到了錄取。而我,卻不得不耐心等待。兜里裝著全部家當一百美元,我去了美國華盛頓打工。這樣,我妻子一個人生活在薩斯卡通,與她的小提琴為伴。而我,在離她三千公里之外一家叫“春卷先生”的中餐廳,當了一名廚房小工(笑聲)。
滿懷著摯愛之情,我想起我的研究生導(dǎo)師 David Kaplan 博士的仁愛胸懷。認識他的人,都會感到認識他是一種幸運。他是音樂系的創(chuàng)始人。對于我們外國留學(xué)生而言,他是淙淙流淌的友誼、幫助和鼓勵的源泉。Kaplan 博士是我生命中一盞明燈,指引著我像他幫助我一樣去幫助別人。
這段時間對于我來說的確是舉步維艱。我在家看孩子,靠我妻子教書養(yǎng)家。我也嘗試做過各種各樣的工作,其中一種工作,對速度節(jié)奏和交割時效要求極高——在座如果有人在 1995 年叫過必勝客披薩的外賣,我們很可能曾經(jīng)有緣相逢(笑聲)。
被人們稱之為“成功人士”是一件讓我高興的事。說實話,我感到慶幸,命運對我實在非常寬厚仁慈。但我不會用財富排行榜來衡量成功,也不會用能夠買得起什么來評判成敗。我衡量成功的標準,不僅僅是自己如何戰(zhàn)勝逆境,而是如何也幫助他人反敗為勝。《悲慘世界》中主教對冉阿讓的一句話讓我非常難忘:“無論我們的生命多么微不足道,我們要傾盡一切與他人分享?!蔽也挥浀梦业呐笥?David Kaplan 博士是否聽說過這句名言,但他確實踐行了這種美德。我的人生,因為他和他所象征的薩斯喀徹溫大學(xué),而變得更加美好。無論是在商界,還是在法律界,人們所做的一切,都是為了追求成功。第一份工作——甚至是第二第三份工作——不一定就是我們的理想崗位,但你的面前卻有一個永遠不需要等待的絕佳機會:那就是在別人有需求的時候鼎力出手、傾其所有、給予超出對方期待的幫助。無論身份高低、無論境遇逆順,你都有這樣的機會展示你的價值。每一天,每一刻,總有人需要我們;總有一些事情,缺了你就無法做成。如果你懷著這種信念一路前行,你一定會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己獨一無二的價值、并漸入成功的佳境。讓我們都記住這么一句至理名言:生命以獲取而續(xù)存,生命因給予而繁盛!
對今天在場的每一位畢業(yè)生,我祝福你們擁有成功事業(yè)和幸福人生。我也希望你們同樣懷著我對母校的這份真情:為學(xué)校給予我們的一切致以崇敬、摯愛和感恩。多年前我從這里得到的關(guān)愛與慷慨,在我心中雋刻下永不磨滅的痕跡,愿你在此的躬讀歲月也給你留下高貴閃光的印記。2017 屆的同學(xué)們,我祝你們好運連連,幸福滿滿!
Ladies and gentlemen. Chancellor Romanow, President Stoicheff, government representatives, distinguished guests, members of the faculty, graduates and friends: This honor means everything to me. I am truly grateful. Thank you so very much.
My new degree makes me a proud member of this Class of 2017. To my classmates, your parents, your families, may I offer a simple message: For the great achievement you share on this wonderful day, Congratulations!
For me, it is especially flattering to be called a Doctor of Laws. Let me tell you why. Long ago, after I earned my Master’s Degree in music, I still didn’t know what to do. So I considered studying at the College of Law. I attended exactly one class, in contract law. Right then and there, I knew that law school just wasn’t for me. One class – and yet here I am with this beautiful, impressive degree as a Doctor of Laws. Those of you graduating from the law school today, who worked and struggled for your degrees, would be entitled to reflect that life is not always fair.
Sometimes we get more than we deserve. I know this, because it is how I have always felt, about what I received from the University of Saskatchewan. The university has honored me, but really, I am here today to honor the university.
Exactly thirty years ago in 1987, my wife Ling and I decided that we were ready to see the world beyond China. If you had lived in a basement in Beijing, and desire a change of scenery, it doesn’t get any more different than the Canadian prairie.
Ling applied to study music here and was immediately accepted. I, on the other hand, had to wait. I went to Washington, D.C., with a hundred dollars in my pocket, and found a job. So my wife was alone with her violin in Saskatoon. I was three thousand kilometers away on the kitchen staff of Mr. Eggroll.
The happy day came when I was also accepted at this university. Nobody was ever as excited as I was to spend three days on a Greyhound bus to Saskatchewan. Ling and I had both received scholarships. That made all the difference for us. The same amount of money would have taken many years to earn in China at that time. We were amazed that such a gift could be granted by people who did not even know us.
With special affection, I recall the generous spirit of Dr. David Kaplan. If you knew him, it was a privilege. He was the founder of the music department. To many foreign students, he was a source of constant help, friendship, and encouragement. Often in my life, Dr. Kaplan’s example has shined before me, a reminder to share with others as he shared with me.
I received so much from the University in those years, but life beyond campus was not nearly as forgiving. Upon graduation, it didn't take long for me to realize that I would not make my fortune as a performing musician. As much as the world loves the sounds of Mozart and Bach, the world was not waiting to hear them from my violin. I started my own music business, but business was slow. I wrote and recorded folksongs, but the folks were not listening.
It was truly a difficult period for me. I watched our children at home while my wife taught school. I took various jobs, including one job that involved fast-paced and time-sensitive transactions. If anyone here received a delivery from Pizza Hut in 1995, there is a good chance we have met before.
I do not recommend a period like that in your own careers, if you can avoid it. But sometimes it happens anyway. That doesn’t have to be the end. It can even mark a late beginning, as it did for me. Even in my darkest moments, I had a sense of who I was and what I could do. More than once I failed, but I refused to give up. I knew in my heart that I was here on earth to achieve good and meaningful things. I never let any failure take that conviction away.
Sustained by this feeling, I went back to China and joined a small English school in Beijing called New Oriental. China had opened up and many young people were eager to see the world. I threw myself into the work of helping them find opportunities to study abroad. I shared everything I knew to serve them in every way I could.
Ten years later, after that school, New Oriental Education, went public in the U.S., many of my former students returning from overseas approached me looking for money for their business ideas. At the time in China, there was no such thing as angel investing. I understood these men and women, because I knew what it was like to be rich in ideas and poor in money. So I began to finance their start-up dreams and became an angel investor before I knew it.
I am happy to be called a success today – and frankly, still a bit relieved. It was a close call. But I do not measure success in rankings of wealth. I do not measure it in the things I can buy. I measure success, not just in overcoming one’s own adversity, but in helping others overcome theirs. My favorite line in the musical Les Miserables is from the Bishop: “Though our lives are very humble. What we have, we have to share.” I don’t recall if my friend Dr. David Kaplan ever heard those words, but he certainly lived them. And mine is just one life that he, and this university, changed for the better.
In business, in law, in any work we do, all of the same things are true about succeeding. First jobs – maybe even second or third ones – are not always dream jobs. Yet there is one opportunity that we never have to wait on – that is the chance to give our best, to give without holding back, and to give more than what is asked. We can do that in every position, high or low. We can do that in every circumstance. Every day, at every turn, we are needed; there are good things that only we can do. That’s how we show who we are, and find success along the way. There is great wisdom in the saying: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
For each one of you graduating here today, I wish a great career and a happy life. And I hope that you will always share the feeling I have toward this university: respect, affection, and gratitude for all it has given to us. The kindness and generosity I received here long ago still touches me. May these years of learning leave a gracious mark on you as well.
Classof 2017, I wish you good luck and great happiness.
Thank you very much.
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